Volumetric Slitscanning

True volumetric slit-scanning (should it be called surface-scanning?).

“Volumetric Slit-scanning” (a term I believe I just made up) is similar to traditional 2D slit-scanning, but instead of working with 2D images + time, this technique uses a 3D camera (e.g. Kinect), spatial + temporal data stored in a 4D Space-Time Continuum, and 3 dimensional temporal gradients (i.e. not just slit-scanning on the depth/rgb images, but surface-scanning on the animated 3D point cloud). These demos were recorded on a low-spec macbook air. Bands & blockiness due to the low spatial resolution to help performance.

source at https://github.com/memo/of-Slitscan3D

For historical context regarding traditional 2D slit-scanning please see Golan Levin’s wonderful “Informal Catalogue“.